

Monumental bias: Madrid puts up four statues of a man for every statue of a woman

Since 1600, the city has erected 298 statues, of which 49 are dedicated to women. Of these, only a small percentage depict female historical figures.

‘The Bear and the Strawberry Tree’, Madrid’s most famous statue | Photo: Edurne Morillo
Published in: Towards Data Science

Kenya fights to bring back its ‘Missing Voices’ snatched by police violence

Extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances are still a non-spoken problem in Kenya, where families fear reprisals if they go to court.

Milikah Kamande, whose son was killed in April 2017 | Photo: Edurne Morillo
Published in: EFE News Agency, Medium and distributed in several international media worldwide
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Japanese women wrestlers struggle to find place in professional Sumo

Sumo, an age-old symbol of Japanese culture, has over the past few years been rocked by scandals, including the exclusion of women, a fact that thousands of amateurs seek to change.

The Sumo Club at Asahi University in Gifu (Japan) | Photo: Fabien Salathe
Published in: EFE News Agency and distributed in several international media worldwide
Click here for the Spanish version of this article

Thread and needle, the survival tools for Kenyan women

A Kenyan mother-of-five has described how sewing has helped her family survive.

Mrembo Africa in Kangemi slums | Photo: Edurne Morillo
Published in: EFE News Agency and distributed in several international media worldwide
Click here for the Spanish version of this article


La ONU acuerda reforzar la lucha mundial contra las amenazas al medioambiente

La Asamblea de Medio Ambiente de la ONU (UNEA-4) aprobó hoy en Nairobi una declaración ministerial para “aumentar” los esfuerzos y atajar “desafíos medioambientales comunes”.

UNEA4 in Nairobi | Photo: Edurne Morillo
Published in: EFE News Agency and distributed in several international media worldwide

La herida abierta de los japoneses secuestrados por Corea del Norte

Una niña que nunca volvió a casa después del colegio y una madre soltera que jamás recogió a sus hijos de la guardería: dos historias de secuestros perpetrados por Corea del Norte hace ya 40 años.

Hermano de Yaeko Taguchi, secuestrada en 1978 | Photo: Franck Robichon (EPA)
Published in: EFE News Agency and distributed in several international media worldwide